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About me





I am Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (KU) with a focus on public policy and comparative politics. My research examines the influence of interest groups, firms and expert actors on political decision-making in European countries and at European Union (EU) level.


From 2020-2023 I led the InterCov project on Interest Representation during the Covid-19 pandemic. I am Co-Investigator in the ReCiv project on the resilience of civil society organisations to different kinds of disruption (2024-2027). I will also lead the LOBBYMETRY project on asymmetries in lobbying and information provision (2025-2030), funded by the European Research Council (ERC).​


To learn more about my work, please see Publications or follow me on X/bluesky (@wmjunk).


Wiebke Marie Junk. Photo: Mikko Seppinen

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