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Journal articles







Junk, Wiebke Marie, Crepaz, Michele, Aizenberg, Ellies, Berkhout, Joost, & Hanegraaff, Marcel (2024). Understanding lobbying dynamics through survey research: An introduction to the InterCov dataset. European Union Politics. Online First.


Junk, Wiebke Marie, Crepaz, Michele and Aizenberg, Ellis (2024) Fight or flight: How access barriers and interest disruption affect the activities of interest organizations. European Journal of Political Research. 63: 1062-1081.


Junk, Wiebke Marie, Berkhout, Joost, Crepaz, Michele, & Hanegraaff, Marcel (2024). Advocacy intelligence and competition: Assessing lobbyists' sharing of tactical knowledge in focus group interviews. Governance, 37(2), 355–373.


Berkhout, Joost, Crepaz, Michele, Hanegraaff, Marcel, and Junk, Wiebke Marie (2023). Online focus groups as a tool to study policy professionals. Research & Politics, 10(4).10(4).


Junk, Wiebke  Marie, and Rasmussen, Anne (2023). Are citizens responsive to interest groups? A field experiment on lobbying and intended citizen behaviour. West European Politics. 47(7), 1643–1669.


Crepaz, Michele, Hanegraaff, Marcel, and Junk, Wiebke Marie (2023). Is There a First Mover Advantage in Lobbying? A Comparative Analysis of How the Timing of Mobilization Affects the Influence of Interest Groups in 10 Polities. Comparative Political Studies. 56(4), 530–560.


Junk, Wiebke Marie, Crepaz, Michele, Hanegraaff, Marcel, Berkhout, Joost and Aizenberg, Ellis (2022). ‘Changes in Interest Group Access in Times of Crisis: No Pain, No (Lobby) Gain’ Journal of European Public Policy. 9:9, 1374-1394. 


Egerod, Benjamin and Junk, Wiebke Marie (2022). Competitive lobbying in the influence production process and the use of spatial econometrics in lobbying research. Public Choice 191, 193–215.

Junk, Wiebke Marie, Romeijn, Jeroen and Rasmussen, Anne (2021) 'Is this a men’s world? On the need to study descriptive representation of women in lobbying and policy advocacy', Journal of European Public Policy. 28:6, 943-957. 


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2020) ‘Co-operation as currency: how active coalitions affect lobbying success’, Journal of European Public Policy,  27:6, 873-892.


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2020) 'Synergies in lobbying? Conceptualising and measuring lobbying coalitions to study interest group strategies, access, and influence', Interest Groups and Advocacy, 9: 21–37.


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2019) 'When diversity works: The effects of coalition composition on the success of lobbying coalitions’, American Journal of Political Science (AJPS), 63(3): 660-674.  


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2019) 'Representation beyond people: lobbying access of umbrella associations to legislatures and the media’, Governance. 32(2): 313– 330.  


Junk, Wiebke Marie, and Rasmussen, Anne (2019) 'Framing by the Flock: Collective Issue Definition and Advocacy Success’, Comparative Political Studies (CPS). 52 (4): 483-513.  


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2016) 'Two Logics of NGO advocacy: understanding inside and outside lobbying on EU environmental policies', Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP). 23 (2): 236-254.  


De Wilde, Pieter, Junk, Wiebke M. and Palmtag, Tabea (2016) 'Accountability and opposition to globalization in international assemblies’European Journal of International Relations (EJIR). 22: (4): 823-846. 



Books and book chapters




Junk, Wiebke Marie (2024). NGO strategies and public policy. In Handbook on Lobbying and Public Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2024). Coalitions in public affairs. In Research Handbook on Public Affairs. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2023). Lobbying access during the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of communication frequency between
interest organisations and political gatekeepers in Denmark and Sweden
. In B. Johansson, Ø. Ihlen, J. Lindholm, &
M. Blach-Ørsten (Eds.), Communicating a pandemic: Crisis management and Covid-19 in the Nordic countries
(pp. 195–214). Nordicom, University of Gothenburg.


Crepaz, M., Junk, W. M., Hanegraaff, M., & Berkhout, J. (2022) Viral Lobbying: Strategies, Access and Influence During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Berlin: De Gruyter. 


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2020) Lobbying Coalitions. In: Harris P., Bitonti A., Fleisher C., Skorkjær Binderkrantz A. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan.


De Wilde, Pieter, Junk, Wiebke Marie, and Palmtag, Tabea (2019) 'Globalization Conflict in International Assemblies: Cleavage Formation Beyond the State?', in P. De Wilde, R. Koopmans, W. Merkel, O. Strijbis and M. Zürn, The Struggle over Borders. A Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 



Examples of Research Dissemination (in English, Danish and German)






ZDF (2024) Das Lobbyismus-Experiment, German TV documentary available in ZDF Mediathek and on YouTube.





DR, Følg pengene.(2024) ”De lukkede møder i Novo-land”, Danish radio show available in DR mediathek.





RAI (2024). Petrolio – U farmaco miracoloso? Italian TV documentary available in RAIPlay.





Junk, W. M. (2024). Interessevaretagelse i stresstest. Essay ifm. Magtudredning 2.0.




Bloomberg (2024) The Ozempic Effect: How a Weight Loss Wonder Drug Gobbled Up an Entire Economy. 




Campus Brussels (2023) 'Viral Lobbying: Book launch', Podcast Episode available on soundcloud.


Junk, Wiebke Marie, Michele Crepaz, Marcel Hanegraaff, Joost Berkhout, Ellis Aizenberg (2020). 'Interest Representation during the Corona Virus Crisis: Results from the European Union and Nine European Countries. Summary Report'. Available on project website. 


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2020) 'Adjunkt: Minklobbyisme risikerer at skygge for hensynet til folkesundheden'. Politiken



Junk, Wiebke Marie (2020). 'Usandsynlige samarbejdspartnere kan hjælpe lobbyister til success'. Politisk Årbog og


Junk, Wiebke Marie and Michele Crepaz (2020). 'New evidence shows Coronavirus crushed citizen groups across Europe'. 3Streams Blog on Medium


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2019). 'Success through cooperation: Why joining forces can help lobbyists increase their influence', in: LSE EUROPP Blog  


Rasmussen, Anne, and Junk, Wiebke Marie (2019). Interesseorganisationers indflydelse på demokratiet. Eftertanke: Podcast  Institut for Statskundskab 


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2019) ‘Representing interest groups: umbrella organisations enjoy preferential access to the legislative arena but not to the media’ in: Democratic Audit 


Junk, Wiebke Marie (2018) 'Lobbyister bør ikke øve indflydelse i det skjulte’, Dagbladet Information 


Junk, Wiebke Marie, and Rasmussen, Anne (2018) 'Framing and lobbying success: Why it pays to work as a team', in: LSE EUROPP Blog  


De Wilde, Pieter, Junk, Wiebke Marie, and Palmtag, Tabea (2016) 'Das demokratische Dilemma. Würde ein gewähltes Weltparlament die kosmopolitische Idee fördern?’, in: WZB-Mitteilungen, H. 154, S. 28-30 


Featured Article (2016) 'The logics of NGO advocacy', in: JEPP Online Blog   



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